Eduplay Philosophy
Our philosophy is to enable young children under 5 years to grow up as competent and confident learners and communicators, healthy in mind, body, and spirit, secure in their sense of belonging and in the knowledge that they make a valued contribution to New Zealand’s multi-cultural society.
We provide an educational experience that is values based to prepare children under the age of 5 for school and for life.
Recognition of Each
Individual Child
Our philosophy is to recognise each child as unique, having the potential to contribute and develop in their own special way. The voice of the child will be heard at all levels and we will be respectful and cognisant of their families’ aspirations. We endeavour to facilitate each child’s development as they discover their place in the world, placing an emphasis on participation and achievement. No-one will be left out.

A Balance of Education, Play & Care

Children love to discover through fun, play and interaction. We nurture the children to love learning through stimulating and fun experiences viewing play as a fundamental part of a child’s development.
Early education is one of the most important and formative times in a child’s life. From birth to age 5 children are exposed to a lot of new information and situations. Since these years form an important aspect of a child’s personality and impression of the world, our early childhood education service asserts that both care and education should be a part of a young child’s experience. Incorporating educational and social learning situations into a child’s life at this stage means reaching them at a time when their minds are open to learning, which prepares them for their life ahead and school.
Curriculum Principles
& Strands
Our curriculum is based on Te Whaariki – the New Zealand Early Childhood Education Curriculum. As we set out to educate and care for each child, our curriculum provides infants, toddlers and young children with wonderful experiences that focus on the following principles:
Empowerment. Our early childhood curriculum empowers the child to learn and grow
Holistic Development. Our early childhood curriculum reflects the holistic way children learn and grow
Family and Community. The wider world of family and community is an integral part of early childhood curriculum
Relationships. Children learn through responsive and reciprocal relationships with people, places and things
Through the guidance of qualified and experience educators, these principles are woven into place with the following strands:
Well-being. The health and well-being of the child are protected and nurtured
Belonging. Children and their families feel a sense of belonging
Contribution. Opportunities for learning are equitable and each child’s contribution is valued.
Communication. The languages and symbols of children’s own and other cultures are promoted and protected
Exploration. The child learns through active exploration of the environment

Learning Groups

Infants (3 - 12 months + 12 - 24months)
Our goal for this age grouping is to nurture independence in a completely supervised environment through lots of love and attention. We have two spaces; one dedicated to younger infants who are not yet walking, and the other for our older babies who are a bit more independent.
It is important that babies receive 100% of our attention and therefore our staff to child ratios at this level are higher than the required standard of 1:5. It is a calm and peaceful environment where we nurture dependent babies and infants to discover a new and exciting world. We also endeavour to work in close partnerships with parents, as we care for their babies.
Toddlers (24 months-3.5 years)
Our goal for this age grouping is to extend independence and develop skills that encourage and support toddlers to communicate and develop social competence. Teachers are patient, caring for and encourage toddlers as they encounter challenges and sometimes frustrations relating to their fast-developing minds and bodies.
Young Children (3.5 years-5 years)
Our goal for Preschoolers is to support independence, develop individual potential and encourage social competence at a higher level in preparation for school and life. This is achieved through a wide range of activities that vary from day to day, providing lots of opportunities for children to develop intellectually, socially, attitudinally, spiritually, and physically – in a fun, safe environment.
Cultural Awareness
We provide an environment where culture is valued and people will not feel out of place no matter what culture they belong to. Our curriculum promotes respect for other cultures, and values Maori as an official language of New Zealand. We aim to assist children to become culturally aware, and learn how to respect, tolerate and celebrate the diverse cultures in New Zealand.
We celebrate some important calendar events such as Easter and Christmas. In celebrating cultural diversity, we also acknowledge other important celebrations such as the Chinese New Year, Independence Days, Matariki, Hanukah, St Patrick’s Day, Waitangi Day, and others where appropriate.

Creativity & Assessment
We believe each child has a creative side and therefore provide lots of opportunities for children to develop creative talents and potential in every aspect of their development.
Each child’s development is monitored closely and collected in a variety of ways thorough assessment strategies. A popular method is through a portfolio – this is put together by teachers and documents how each child learns over the year. Opportunities are provided for parent to meet with teachers to view and discuss their portfolios – we welcome any feedback from parents concerning their child’s learning.
Portfolio stories are also on our online portal through Educa, with parents permission.